
Wednesday, 7 January 2015


There are a lot of circumstances where breaking up can be a good thing for both people involved, but there are also many terrible excuses that can lead to a breakup.
These excuses are often the result of a hasty emotional reaction, fear of the future, or an impulsive reaction to a temporary event.

Before you break up with someone, make sure you consider your situation carefully, and avoid breaking up for these 10 reasons:

1.) They notice other attractive people:
Your partner needs to be committed to you, but that doesn't mean they're forbidden from looking at anybody of the opposite sex.

2.) You had a fight:
Fights happen in relationships. Many times, they're actually a good thing. Don't let one small fight break up an otherwise great relationship.

3.) You disagree on a like or dislike:
If you discover your partner hates your favourite band or Food, it may be hard to hear, but it's no reason to spark a breakup. You're allowed to have different interests, what were you expecting? You both grew up in different homes with different views for different years, so have that in mind.

4.) You don't have enough time for the relationship:
If the relationship is important enough to you, you
can make time for it,PERIOD!

5.) Your partner doesn't do everything you ask:
Relationships take two people -- two people who make decisions and do things independently. Don't break up a relationship because you can't fully control it.

6.) You're unhappy right now:
If a relationship is making you chronically unhappy, that's one thing. But if you're only unhappy for a moment, don't impulsively end things because of it.

7.) You don't like a bad habit:
If your partner chews too loudly, it might be annoying, but it's not a good reason to break up.that's just one of other examples, so you should know how to contain

8.) You fantasize about being single:
When you're single, you'll probably fantasize about being in a relationship too, that's the truth. So stay in that relationship.

9.) You don't want to commit:
Relationships don't necessarily demand a lifelong commitment. Take things one day at a time, one thing you should also know, while trying to commit, you are training yourself for your marriage.

10.) You find out new things about them:
Once the initial allure of the new relationship fades, you'll start noticing new details about your partner. Everybody has flaws; if you break up with someone every time you discover some, you're bound to be single forever. Like someone told me, "There's no perfect perfect, we have to build people into what you want."
If she can't cook and she's willing to learn, you can teach her if you can or make her learn, If you having a boring sex life, talk to him about him and tell him what you like and how you want it.
Relationship is about communication, so always talk out your differences instead of holding it.

There are many good reasons to break up with someone, but these do not apply. Think carefully before you decide to end things. Think Carefully......

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